Get ready to make June your month to Amplify!
You have a choice of 3 levels of commitment:
Amplify Your Fitness!
Amplify your Heath!
Amplify Your Life!
What would it be like to finish the month of June making incredible progress in up-leveling your fitness, health, and life?
Building and maintaining strength is the most important thing you can do for yourself as you age.
Every month you delay getting on a focused fitness program your physical, mental, and emotional health is left to decline.
There is undeniable evidence that focusing on your fitness changes your body and brain in positive ways and that the opposite happens when you dismiss yourself by ignoring this truth.
One of the biggest mistakes people make is not deciding.
When you decide to commit to something more for yourself, you generate energy to take yourself to another level. Not deciding leaves you waiting to “feel like it.”
Not having a plan leaves you doing less. When you have a plan, a path, and a commitment, your work is simply to show up.
Take the day-day decision-making out of the equation and make one decision right now.
Join me for Amplify and make June the month you commit to more for your fitness, your health, and your life!
If this is your time, you have 3 levels of Amplify to choose from:
Amplify Your Fitness:
A complete workout plan so you don’t have to create your own plan, you just have to decide that you are going to do this and show up! I have created your plan and will walk you through it.
A fitness program from June 1st - June 30th in an online, interactive program calendar
3 days/week of live virtual classes taught by me. (These are recorded for playback on your schedule.) Build your mobility, stability, strength, and stamina with this mix of workouts designed from my 30 years of teaching experience.
2 days/week suggested workouts on your own
A calendar with checkboxes and reminders to complete each step.
A community of people doing this with you!
A program, a calendar, and accountability.
Amplify Your Health:
Fitness is not the only component of being healthy and vibrant. There are supportive health habits that make a big difference and are easy to let slip. If you understand the mechanism of these actions and how they affect your body it is much easier to show up for them!
All of the Fitness components
Stacking habits that improve your health on broader levels, such as sleep, hydration, & mindfulness. These habits amplify your health, your life, your wellbeing and your happiness.
Video lessons that teach you the science about why so you can understand how to amplify your health and have the tools to come back to this anytime.
These habits will support you in feeling better in your life, and amplify everything you do (When you sleep better, workout, and hydrate your mood, your productivity, and your energy are better!)
Your calendar has checkboxes for these habits that we will roll out individually to prevent overwhelm and allow you to incrementally focus on what you are doing
Amplify Your Life:
Most of us know what we “should” do or how we would like to feel but still get stuck in old patterns, which results in fear of actually showing up consistently. This is where life coaching changes everything. I will coach you on the topics of human performance and the areas that have been extensively researched that make our lives better! If you are ready to unlock your possibilities, join me to do everything in Fitness and Health, as well as a weekly live group coaching call.
All of the Fitness components
All of the Health components
Discover what keeps you stuck or holds you back, and create a new approach to your goals with bonus coaching videos to listen to and watch.
Live weekly support from marcy through a group coaching call
BONUS!! FREE access to my being your success course !(value $222)
Marcy’s ability to catch the unconscious ways I was sabotaging myself was invaluable. By learning to recognize and shift my self-talk, the positivity I cultivated internally manifested in outward achievements that are in alignment with who I truly am and what I want. I get off of each call feeling inspired, supported, and uplifted.
My work with Marcy has been nothing short of transformational. In just four months, I got clarity on what I wanted and landed a job that more than doubled my income.
Together we examined my thinking and made adjustments to the thought patterns that were not serving me. Though I am an outwardly positive person, it became clear after I started working with Marcy that my inner dialogue was sabotaging my capacity to lead a better life.